One in a Millennial

One in a Millennial - Kate Kennedy

my review : ✮✮✮✮

I have a Gen Z sister, and sometimes we’ll be somewhere, and she’ll say, “This is SoOoO Millennial coded,” and she does not mean it as a compliment. I am here to say this book is SoOoO Millennial coded, and I LOVE IT FOR THAT REASON.

I went into this book thinking it was going to be a light jaunt down memory lane- lovingly mocking our generation for our history of infinity scarves, AIM-away messages, and statement necklaces. Instead, I got much more than I bargained for in the form of long-form essays focused on, yes, the things we loved and held dear as millennials, but also musings on feminism, fertility, and Felicity (the American Girl doll, duh) to name a few. Kate has a way with words, and her writing style is uniquely delightful. I really enjoyed my time reading this book, which made me laugh out loud and choke up (sometimes at the same time). I am embarrassed to say I am a new Kate Kennedy fan, and I hope the Beths welcome me to the club because I am now a card-carrying Kate Kennedy superfan (fun fact no one asked for- my husband’s mom’s maiden name is Kennedy, and when we got married I really tried to get him to take that name so I could be Katie Kennedy, so I look up to the girl in more ways than one).

Millennials currently range in age from 28-43, which is a wide range, and while not all of our coming-of-age experiences were the same, Kate’s writing has the ability to make you feel incredibly seen. This book should come with a warning label because a side effect of reading it is inevitably deep introspection. One second you’ll be engrossed in her writing, the next second you’ll find yourself googling the game Girl Talk because you totally forgot it existed, followed by texting your mom to find pics of you in gauchos.

This book is best paired with a cosmopolitan!

Xoxo HipChick0528 (Please drop your AIM username below; I must know what we’re working with).

you’ll love this book if you love:

  • All thinks Y2K

  • Being a 90s baby!

my favorite quote:

“This trend continues today, where women’s interests are easily ridiculed or sidelined despite their economic viability, as evidenced by romance novels consistently outselling other fiction genres, yet being referred to as “trashy novels.”

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