Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness

Joyful - Fetell Lee

my review : ✮✮✮✮

Cracking open this book was the perfect way to start the year.

I picked this up because when asked on NYE what word I want to describe 2022 when I look back in a year, I responded with “joyful”. Everyone else in my family laughed because -duh!- who doesn’t want a more joyful life? But, I decided if I can use that word to guide my year, I would be doing alright.

This book is all about ordinary things creating extrodianary happiness 🌈

It’s my favorite “self help” book simply because it was a delight to read and left me happy & hopeful.

The quotes that Ingrid compiles alone from philosophers and artists on joy are enough of a reason to recommend this book.

This book had me daydreaming of things that brought me joy. Even on the coldest, dreariest day, there is a way to squeeze out some joy.

As Ingrid says, joy is what makes life worth living.

Oh! And this book ends with a joy workbook! I can’t wait to start my joy journal. If it sounds like I’ve been drinking the Kool-aid, it’s because I have.

Best paired with whatever indulgence you save for a special occasion - the nice champagne, a heaping slice of your favorite cake, the decadent lotion, a fat scoop of ice cream.

Let’s make 2022 our most joyful year yet 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

I heard about this book on @courtneygrow’s stories - I think? Honestly, I saw the title and thought “perfect!” and ordered the book immediately 💕💕


you’ll love this book if you love:

  • Self help books

  • Finding bliss in the everyday

my favorite quote:

“The blossoming of the trees, the rising of the sun, the flow of the tides: these recurring events remind us of time’s circular nature and create an underlying cadence of joy that we can rely on.”

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