How Not to Hate Your Husband After Kids

How Not to Hate Your Husband After Kids - Jancee Dunn

my review : ✮✮✮✮

This is not your average beach read; there is nothing light & fluffy about this story. It’s as heavy as a waterlogged towel and incredibly moving.

I have to admit that I initially grabbed this book because of the title. An added bonus was going to the library and picking this up with my husband! I literally couldn’t stop giggling. He was… concerned?

When I told some girlfriends I was pregnant after the squeals of delight, they warned me that inevitably, during the newborn phase, I was going to hate my husband. This made me nervous because…. I like my husband, and I like liking him!! I mean, the man already has to compete with my fictional boyfriends on a daily basis. Must we throw in post-baby hatred? Honestly, I was scared of who we were going to become once the baby came. When our baby arrived, I began to understand all the conversations I’d heard about a woman’s mental load & the invisible labor of running a household. I won’t go so far as to say I hated my husband, but I will say steam came out of my ears once when he remarked how tired he was after *I* had spent the night up with the baby. 

While I picked up the book for the cheeky title, I found the subject matter fascinating. I truly enjoyed the authors writing and found her to be funny…. which I think is a non-negotiable when it comes to non-fiction (depending on the subject matter). I liked how vulnerable she was about her own relationship and found her writing to be accessible. While a good chunk of this book was about navigating your marriage with kids, an equally helpful portion was also focused on how to be a great parent. The beauty of this book is she gives you actual, actionable steps you can take.

I was quoting this book so often to my husband he’s decided he’s going to read it, which I’m thrilled about.

This is a super fast read which was appreciated! Just give me the hits so I can go back to my B.R.A.Ds! 

As my baby is only two months old and my first, our life is still pretty easy. I feel like this book helped me navigate my changing relationship with my husband and laid the groundwork as my son grows up. 

I will also say that I got this from the library, but I wish I owned it. There’s a lot of material I wanted to highlight and revisit, so I might buy myself a copy! 

you’ll love this book if you love:

  • Books about navigating your marriage with kids & how to be a great parent

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