The Island

The Island - Adrian McKinty
my review : ✮✮✮✮
This book was an unexpected winner for me. One of those “finish in one day” thrillers because you just have to know how it ends (very similar to my “finish in a day” snacks…. Like a box of cheez-its, one of those annoyingly small containers of Justin’s peanut butter cups, etc.).
I will say there were moments that made me queasy with some violence and gore, so proceed with caution!
The story is about a family vacation gone horribly wrong. Heather has recently married widowed doctor Tom and is now the stepmother of his two kids. The family heads to Australia, as Tom is speaking at a conference, and the kids want to explore the Outback. After a few days with no exciting animal sightings, the kids are growing restless. After the chance discovery of a remote private Dutch Island teeming with wildlife and adventure, Tom talks the family’s way onto the ferry. As soon as they get on the island, though, something feels very wrong - and a shocking accident turns their vacation into a nightmare.
Insane, bizarre, and terrifying, I was on the edge of my seat throughout this entire novel. Maybe a little slow to start, but once it gets going, you will be on the edge of your seat for the rest of the story. I can see why Hulu is making this a series!
I picked up this book because I loved Adrian’s other dark and twisty book, “The Chain,” which I would definitely recommend picking up.
Best paired with a sea breeze cocktail (1 1/2 ounces vodka, 3 ounces cranberry juice, 1 ounce grapefruit juice, 1/2 grapefruit slice, for garnish). Cheers!
you’ll love this book if you love:
An addicting & refreshing thriller that will keep you captivated
The Chain (which is also being adapted to be a film !!)
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