You Know What You Did

You Know What You Did - K. T. Nguyen

my review : ✮✮✮

I find it so hard to review a thriller because I don’t want to give anything away! This story is told from the POV of a first-generation Vietnamese immigrant, and learning about her & her mother’s coming to America story was the stand out for me. The thriller aspect of this book left me wanting more, but it kept me captivated! She’s an unreliable narrator (not a spoiler, you are pretty aware of that from the get-go), which drives me NUTS in a thriller! So probably just a me problem!

Our story is about Annie Shaw, who had a rough upbringing but now seems to have it all. When her mom dies, Annie’s perfect life suddenly begins to unravel. Her OCD, which she’s been successfully managing for years, comes back in a scary way, and it feels like the dark thoughts in Annie’s brain might actually be coming true…

I learned a lot about what it looks like living with OCD, and I will caution you if you have OCD, this book will be extremely triggering. There were some graphic scenes I couldn’t stomach that I had to skim through, but overall, the story did hook me!

you’ll love this book if you love:

  • Unreliable narrators

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