When in Rome

When in Rome - Sarah Adams

my review : ✮✮✮

This book was as sweet as a slice of blueberry pie.

This cutesy romantic comedy is about worldwide superstar Amelia Rose who is burnt out and desperately needs a break from her nonstop career. She has Taylor Swift-level fame and decides to channel Audrey Hepburn's Roman Holiday and flee to Rome for a much-needed weekend away before she embarks on her 9-month tour. Since Rome, Italy, is a litttttle too far away for a weekend jaunt, she decides to head to the next best Rome: Rome, Kentucky. Unfortunately, she's barely made it to the small town when her car breaks down on someone's front lawn. Turns out that someone is the hot, sexy, pie-shop-owning town grump. Are there literally no more rooms in the inn, and they're forced to live together!? Yes! The last thing the town grump wants is to deal with some diva pop star, so to say he's less than enthused about their situation would be an understatement. I think you can see where this is going!!!

While the premise might read like the perfect B.R.A.D. (forced proximity! Grumpy/sunshine! Sexy lake scene!!), it is a closed-door romance. Depending on who you are, that is either a bummer or right up your alley. It is a super sweet read if you love a love story but aren't into the B.R.A.D. of it all. I found the writing to be light and funny and a great escape. Although, I wouldn't have minded some steam.

I read this book because of how much I adored The Cheat Sheet by the same author. While I liked this story, The Cheat Sheet remains my fav of hers.
I think it's because while I love the 'celeb/normal person' trope, I REALLY need the normal person in the relationship to be the girl because I need to picture myself dating the famous guy (Harry Styles/ Leo in the 90s/ Henry Cavill/Michael B. Jordan, pick your poison). That's probably just a me thing.

Overall, this was a lovely read that cheered up my gloomy week ⛈️

I quite literally had to buy a slice of pie while reading this book, so this is best paired with a fat slice of blueberry pie and a crispy flute of champagne.

you’ll love this book if you love:

  • Romcoms!

  • The Cheat Sheet

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