Love, Me

Love, Me - Jessica Saunders
my review : ✮✮✮
I am a sucker for a celeb/normal person romance so this was right up my alley. This isn’t your typical romance where the normal chicks sits next to Adam Driver at an award show and they’re swept up in a whirlwind romance (if you’re looking for that- read The Seat Filler) This is much more complex and layered and honestly feels a bit more realistic, down to the ending! It’s a story about marriage and parenting and alllll the shit that comes with being a mom and wife. If you like your romance to be a bubbly escape maybe this isn’t for you but if you want to see a bit of yourself in the main character I’d recommend this.
Rachel Miller is a mother of two, successful lawyer, and in a marriage that’s a bit on autopilot but overall, she’s happy. That is until racy high school photos and love letters between her and A list star Jack Bellow are leaked to the tabloids and her life gets turned upside down. Jack was her first love and they ended things years ago very abruptly. His reentrance into her life via this scandal leaves her reeling and trying to figure out what she really wants.
This story is told in a few different timelines so you get to watch Rachel and Jack fall in love, Rachel and her husband fall in love, and current day Rachel navigate the aftermath of this scandal. It’s a super quick read that I enjoyed!
you’ll love this book if you love:
Celeb/normal person romance
A (more) realistic romance
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