You Shouldn't Have Come Here

You Shouldn't Have Come Here - Jeneva Rose

my review : ✮✮

Not for me! Should I just leave it at that (if you’d like me to leave it at that, then let’s leave it at that! If you’d like me to elaborate, you can scroll down)? It got two stars because I was compelled to finish it, and I loved the paper this book was printed on.

I said I wasn’t pairing books I didn’t love with cocktails, but ... this dude lives on a ranch, so the cocktail pairing should be ranch water… how could I not!? So many of you live in TX, but for those (like me!) who don’t, slide for the recipe. You can watch me try not to screw it up on stories.









Kind of negative sassy thoughts below… proceed with caution.


In 90% of this book, nothing happens. 10% of this book happens so quickly my head was spinning; 100% of this book was insanely cheesy writing to the point of distraction. The dual POV? I felt it didn’t work for a thriller.

I wanted to call 911 when the characters kissed, and the tongues were described as “grabbing each other???” This happened multiple times!!

I really think I just hold thrillers to a high standard and may have gone in with the wrong expectations.

Have you read this? I’m dying to know what you thought!

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