It Had to Be You

It Had to Be You - Georgia Clark

my review : ✮✮✮✮

What is better than one love story? 5!!!!

This book is like Love Actually in that we have a bunch of gorgeous and diverse love stories interwoven throughout this book. It is not like Love Actually in that it does NOT depress me. Unpopular opinion but Love Actually is a depressing movie! If someone is holding a sign saying “to me, you are perfect” I need them to end up together!!!!!!

I digress…

This book is about Liv, a bad ass chick who owns a wedding planning business with her husband. UNTIL he drops dead and she finds out IN HIS WILL that he left his portion of the business to HIS GIRLFRIEND. Is the premise crazy? Maybe but I am here for it.

This book is exactly what I needed. Multiple relationships I could get invested in. Wedding drama. Girl power. Hot guys. Hot chicks. Heart strings being pulled throughout.

You are bound to get confused by the multiple story lines in the beginning. Just lean into it!! Maybe make some notes, maybe don’t judge yourself for getting confused, maybe message me and be like “wait which one is Clay” to which I will respond “I couldn’t keep track of them during the book you think I remember 3 weeks after I’ve read it!?!?”.

If you want spunky, light, fun, and sweet pick this sucker up. If you love Valentine’s Day (the movie… and the holiday!), New Years Eve (again!! The movie!) order her!!

you’ll love this book if you love:

  • Love Actually but way more fun

  • A romance that never gets dull with the multiple swoony storylines

my favorite quote:

“I like this... Let's always believe in the best in each other. That's how we'll make it work.”

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