The Ex Hex
Written By Repy White

The Ex Hex - Erin Sterling
my review : ✮✮✮
Remember the classic Disney Channel Movie Halloweentown? This book is like if that movie was rated R (not for scariness, for….. romance 😏😏).
A small town witchy book that’s easy, light, & fun. The perfect quick read to get you in the holiday spirit - without scaring the shit out of yourself.
Best paired with a Malbec on a dark and stormy night 🌙 👻💀🎃
you’ll love this book if you love:
Halloweentown (but much more grown up lol!)
Getting in the Halloween spirit without being spooked!
my favorite quote:
“Never mix vodka and witchcraft”
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romance, fantasy
romance, fantasy
romance, fantasy