Simmer Down

Simmer Down - Sarah Smith

my review : ✮✮✮

I can’t put my finger on why this one was only ok.
Was it steamy? Yes!
Slow burn? Yes!
Enemies to lovers: yes!

Despite the fact that it hit my romance trifecta, this one fell a little flat for me! Maybe I’m being spoiled by amazing romances recently? Who knows.

This book is a romance set in Hawaii following two feuding food truck owners who are fighting over a piece of prime food slinging’ turf! The (sexual) tension is high! The food is delicious!

Either way, pick this one up if life is seeming a little too heavy and you want to lighten your mental load.

This couple LOVED drowning their sorrows in pink champagne so I took a page out of their book and popped open a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Rose Champagne …. my personal favorite!

you’ll love this book if you love:

  • A romance that hits all our favorite tropes and incorporates food as well

  • Exquisite description of food that will make you want to cook… or find a really good food truck (see my fav quote below)

my favorite quote:

“Matteo holds up a forkful of fish. "Just take this exquisite bite of fish. The way it plays on your tongue-- the salt, the richness, the luscious texture."
Matteo takes his butter knife in his left hand and brushes a mound of pineapple fried rice on his fork. He holds it up in front of him, catching the light of the nearby overhead chandelier. It's like he's an appraiser scrutinizing a gemstone in the light.
"And this rice. My oh my, this rice. The perfect complement to the delicately fried fish with its sweet chunks of succulent pineapple and salty bacon." He slaps his free hand on his knee and lets out a throaty chuckle that booms against the dining room walls. "Who would have thought to add bacon as a twist in fried rice?”

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