Lessons in Chemistry

Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus

my review : ✮✮✮✮

A true and unequivocal delight! The writing was unique, humorous, and totally enthralling.

Tough subjects are covered in this story - sexism.. OH THE SEXISM… ugh, painful to read and frustrating to stomach, but a necessary evil to understand the time. We have come soooooo far! But have so much further to go! Also racism, sexual assault, religion, basically every topic you don’t want to touch with a ten foot pole… but somehow it’s done in a fresh way that I found respectful and productive.

This is the story about Elizabeth Zott - a female chemist! In the 1960s! We follow the story of her life from brilliant student to lovestruck woman to single mother (kind of a spoiler, but it’s in the cover) to finally very popular host of an afternoon show called Supper at Six. This woman is a freaking bad ass. This story will have you on a roller coaster of emotions and the dry wit throughout this book is unmatched.

I recommend this if your brain is fried by romances or you’re scared of the dark because of all the thrillers you’ve been reading. This could be a great book club book. It’s very pro-woman (as all books should be!) and leaves you with lots to talk about.

Happy to have read it, can’t wait to see it on TV!

If you do read this as a bookclub book, may I suggest doing something cheeky like serving cocktails in a science beaker 🧪 !! how cute

you’ll love this book if you love:

  • Powerful women

  • Something new between your thriller and romance novels

my favorite quote:

“Whenever you feel afraid, just remember. Courage is the root of change - and change is what we're chemically designed to do. So when you wake up tomorrow, make this pledge. No more holding yourself back. No more subscribing to others' opinions of what you can and cannot achieve. And no more allowing anyone to pigeonhole you into useless categories of sex, race, economic status, and religion. Do not allow your talents to lie dormant, ladies. Design your own future. When you go home today, ask yourself what YOU will change. And then get started.”

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