Funny You Should Ask

People We Meet On Vacation

my review : ✮✮✮✮

I bought this book because of the gorgeous cover…. pathetic, I know. Immediately upon cracking the spine, though, I realized that this story is right up my alley.

I just had a very fun time reading this. The timelines may make you dizzy, as the chapters alternate between then and now, with little magazine clippings dispersed throughout the pages. At times I was confused, but by the end of the book I just adored the way the whole thing was done.

Chani Horowitz is a writer, a really damn good writer. She snags a coveted interview with the very famous Gabe Parker in advance of his upcoming Bond movie, and she’s both terrified and thrilled. The interview that was supposed to take place during a lunch gets stretched into a weekend-long adventure. She writes her story. It’s brilliant.

That was 10 years ago, and now Chani is divorced and has spent her professional life separating herself from Gabe’s article. That is, until his PR team contacts her and says they want them to do a second interview… 10 years later.

This story is a delicious delight. There are threads woven throughout this book that remind me a bit of The Idea of You. I wanted about 100 pages more, but I am incredibly greedy when it comes to stories that I devour.

The book has very mixed reviews, which I totally get. There’s an element that I understand could be a bit… unbelievable? But as a card-carrying hopeless romantic, I totally fell for the love story.

I’d pair this one with a sour beer. If you want to really commit, take a reading break, find the perfect-but-not-trying-too-hard burger, and pair THAT with a sour beer. Bonus points if your date to the whole outing is a famous hot actor. I liked picturing Leo in the 90s-early aughts.

p.s. There’s an article that exists in the real world that must have inspired this book. I am happy I didn’t read it before I read the book, but the existence of it makes me feel… strange. I did read the article and will share it on my stories - yes, it totally gave me butterflies because I am insane. Also, I think I like the real life writer (Edith Zimmerman) better than Chani.

you’ll love this book if you love:

  • Celebrity romance

  • The Idea of You

  • Love at First Sight

my favorite quote:

“It's like high school, but better—that sweet, hot anticipation of kissing, kissing like you're the first people in the world to discover it, like there's no possible way other people are doing it like this, because if they were how in the hell would anyone ever get anything done.”

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