Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals

Time Management for Mortals - Oliver Burkeman

my review : ✮✮✮

I truly picked this up as a time management book. I am about as good at managing my time as I am of managing my budget. Which is to say, terrible.

This is really not a time management book - in the best way. There are no productivity tricks and tips. This is more a philosophical read that asks- what is time? Yes, a bit trippy but I found it gave me some healthy perspective on how I view my to-do list and my anal retentive scheduling habits.

This book is not uplifting, but it is a quite liberating.

To me this book toggled between being incredibly interesting and dreadfully boring- like any nonfiction that isn’t Untamed tends to be IMO. Throughout this book I was taking notes like a fiend- but I left the book a bit bummed as it can be overwhelming grappling with one’s finitude.

I did pick up some healthy habits that I hope to bring into 2022. Best paired with a double cappuccino so you don’t fall asleep during the boring bits.


*NYAB= not your average beach read

you’ll love this book if you love:

  • Contemplating the concepts we take for granted

  • Broadening your perspective and gaining mental flexibility

my favorite quote:

“There is an alternative: the unfashionable but powerful notion of letting time use you, approaching life not as an opportunity to implement your predetermined plans for success but as a matter of responding to the needs of your place and your moment in history.”

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