meet the reader

meet the reader

Hiiiiii, I’m Katie

You might know me from my account: Beach Reads & Bubbly

I have been a voracious reader from a young age. I’ve always loved sharing my favorite books with family, friends, and anyone that would listen!

I started sharing my reviews on my personal account in January of 2020 and started Beach Reads & Bubbly to make it easier for my friends to access the reviews. It's grown in a big way but I still feel like i'm just sharing reviews with my friends! My favorite genres are romance & thrillers, but I am open to trying everything. I love being surprised by a shocking twist or having my heart ripped out by an incredible romance.

In addition to books, I love all things beauty and fashion, so you can find them both on my Instagram and here on my website. I’m so happy you’re here!

my favorite reading resources

 my go-to coffee order:

iced latte

my hometown:

chicago, illinois

my favorite movie:

the parent trap

my favorite book genre:


my go to cocktail:

dirty gin martini